The 4 horsemen

There is something to be said about scriptures in the Bible being revealed. The 4 horsemen. What did they represent? What was said about them and their role in the fight between righteous ethical man Vs compromised corrupted man?

If you think for one minute this vaccine status issue is going to go away, think again. There is reason why Ontario PC party has kept it as an option for businesses and organizations to use, the NDP and Liberal Party has stated making it mandatory for all children attending Public schools.

Your who are remaining loyal to the deceptive conservative Doug Ford PC party and refuse to leave, please don’t have anything to say if you’re support gives him and them the hands they need to grab yours.

The New Blue Party of Ontario was founded by 2 real, honest and true conservatives who have been tested, tried and tempted to compromise and their actions, not rhetoric said loud and clear, “get behind me Satan, your test, trails and temptation to conform will not work”.

You might not like the Karahalios‘ style of honesty, but you must give credit where it is due; THEY DID NOT SELL YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN OUT. Not like them as you may, you children’s health and wellness will not be up for grabs as it will be and has been for the past 2 years under the direction and support of your Ontario PC MPPs, Liberal, NDP and Green.

Medical segregation is segregation. Forced injection programs is a crime against humanity. Coercion and Duress to participate in a Government medical experiment program or lose the ability to work, attend school or participate in society is already address in the Nuremburg Code.

So get upset all you want that the Karahalios’ are calling out people you like; Doug Ford and his camp, Derek Sloan and his camp, Rick Nichols and his camp, Randy Hilliard and his camp, all people who say they are here for the little guy. They all played a part in attempting to affect the momentum of the New Blue Party. They can do song and dance all they want to sway those who haven’t made the decision to leave the Ontario PC brand that have betrayed Conservatism and move towards the New Blue tent that will protect their children.

Remember not everyone thought Hitler, Stallon and Castro were bad people. The had a likeability appeal as well. We have our 4 horse men; Cons, Libs, NDP and Greens. Choose wisely your likeability gauge. It is up to you to determine the 4s What. For 2 years, you have been spoon fed information, been given the fish. It’s time you go out and fish for yourself.